Whether you are looking for a change, a promotion or feel disengaged in your job, the right Career Coach
can help you gain insight, give clarity to your goals, and help you overcome career obstacles.
The right resume is the most powerful key to open the doors of opportunities – the first, the most important step
towards your endeavour to get the desired job…and to write your future-your story.
To have a rewarding job or career, you need to really exploit the opportunity to present your potential in the
best possible manner and grab the job. In other words - GET HIRED.. Right into your dream job. You
Corporate Coaching is a leadership tool that is quite different than pure performance-based counselling
or mentoring. Coaching supports the professional development of average performance into high
As a metaphor for pursuing our dreams we’re often told to reach for the stars and Chinmayee
literally helped many to do it with her commitment, intelligence, sacrifice, and hard work to drive
'Change Ur Story'.