Passion and Purpose

Discovering Your Why: A Journey to Uncovering Your Passion and Purpose

Finding one’s passion is sometimes said to represent a transformative moment on the path to one’s best life and job. However, to many, it can be quite a challenge and even stressful, when little to nothing catches their fancy. If you’re in this position, you’re not alone. There exists no magic formulae for engendering passion, as we strive for it consciously, steadily, and purposefully while searching for it. Now, let’s consider where and how you can start on the path of change.

1. Understanding Passion: It’s Not Always Immediate

The first thing you need to get out of your head when looking for your passion is that it’s something you wake up with or something that just hits you one fine day. Passion, therefore, is always developed gradually in a person’s lifetime. Or can be a simple concept that someone had never even dreamed of, let alone thought about it in such a way. Some of them are initially just a curiosity or a practice that you like or find rather interesting, the passion grows as you invest more time and energy into it.

No worries if the latter is the case with you, you don’t feel attracted to anything at a certain time or event. Passion can be managed as muscle; the more it is flexed the more it becomes stronger and therefore needs to be worked out.

2. Start by Exploring

I suppose one of the definitive elements of depression is feeling apathetic toward everything; the only remedy in that case is exploration. Starting with what we have discussed above, the first action plan is to step out of one’s comfort zone. Go for things you have never before attempted or done in your life. This would comprise activities such as painting, music lessons, programming, or a regime of gardening. It might mean you will be volunteering for a certain cause, becoming a member of a club, or taking online courses in places you find somewhat interesting.

If an activity has not found an echo in you at first, try to give it a second chance. Engagement can grow more slowly as you become more skilled and knowledgeable of the object of your passion. It is possible for people to have fun in rather unexpected ways once they take the respective leap.

3. Ponder on Some of The Experiences You Have Endured

In other cases, your passion can be hiding in your history. Try to spend several minutes thinking about your life experiences. When do you recall using your strengths to enjoy your work and have a sense of ownership of it? What were you doing in those past years? Were you guiding, building, searching for the solution or just in some condition you loved?

Document these experiences and then try to seek these patterns. For instance, if people’s theme associated with happiness in your past experiences was work, you will likely perform well in teams. If they are built around solving problems or dilemmas, you might find careers dealing with problems, such as knowledge-based professions technology or research.

4. You should celebrate the process, as well as the end result.

Now more than ever, there is a lot of emphasis given to ‘discovering your passion’ and the unrelenting encouragement to do the above in an efficient way as people give living advice and recommendations. This could be overwhelming not forgetting the fact that a lot of people are in the process of trying to get their lives on track. You see, everyone has his/her own path to follow. A few search for their passion right from childhood perhaps after observing their ability while others find it after so many years of search.

One major point that people should embrace is that they should take their time. It’s about the process and being aware of that process more than the results, even if the results are positive. Remember that it is perfectly within normal range to reverse course more than once. A case in point is your twenties where individuals are expected to explore different things in life. But even if you are older, the same rule is also true – life does not stop where it is; it carries on going, and the time to start having an adventure is right now.

passion and purpose

5. The fourth type of learning is to learn through action by experimenting.

Action is an effective way of finding out more about the self. Basically, dreaming on a chair about being passionate will not give the same outcomes as experimenting with your passions. The last component: Exercise an ongoing commitment to trying out new roles, new environments, and new skills.

Start small. For instance:

  • Attend a weekend workshop on something that you are interested in.
  • Give your time to the right cause or organization that you align with.
  • Shadow someone in a profession you are interested in.
  • Take an online course on a topic that you know nothing about.

In this way you get a direct insight of what gets you fired up, or on the other end what puts you to sleep.

6. Connect with Others

Some people stumble upon their passion by chance, based on interaction with coworkers who share a passion in similar interest areas. Make sure that your friends and acquaintances take an interest in all sorts of things you find interesting. You can draw spirit and a fresh look at life from them.

Networking is not just about job searching—it’s also about finding out what you don’t know! Meet people in person, and take part in local meetups, there are also pages on social media or discussion boards where such people gather. Get to know them what their interests are and how they found out. Maybe their stories would inspire you somewhere along your trip or present an opportunity to do something you can only imagine at this point.

7. Don’t Fear Failure or Change

The problem with searching for your passion in life is the fear of failure or making the wrong decision. You may be concerned about trying a new activity, sport or hobby and paying attention to it only to discover that is not something that interests you. Nevertheless, it is a critical step in the process. Every ‘wrong’ decision made makes you learn something new about yourself and makes the options more focused on the things that interest you.

Let me give you a piece of advice here: Passions change over time. If what excites you today does not interest you in a few years, it is perfectly normal. Young entrepreneurs should be able to allow themselves the flexibility to move and steer their company in any direction that they want to as they mature along with gaining knowledge.

8. It’s important to look beyond career-based passion systems.

One must bear in mind that not all passions have to be career-related. Other individuals discover tremendous pleasure and purpose to sideline interest or activities that do not have relevance with employment. For instance, you may love to cook, travel, play a certain sport, or help others become better while doing a different job.

The fact that you are involved in something that has monetary flavour does not necessarily make the work you are doing unfulfilling. What is important, is that it makes you happy and that it adds value to your life.

9. Be Patient and Persistent

Searching for one’s passion will often take time and seldom prove clear-cut. It takes time and sincerity with commitment. Sometimes you will have confidence and at other times you will feel like giving up but that is expected. As you go through each day always tell yourself that you are a step closer to finding what makes you tick even if the step seems incremental.

You should write a diary that you will use to record your encounters and the things you consider. Gradually, you’ll begin to identify specific trends which can help you to find your bliss.

10. Seek Guidance When Needed

It often does help to meet with a professional, such as a Career Coach or a mentor, if you can no longer advance on your own. This will enable you to discover your skills, beliefs, and passion, as well as advise you on what to do next.

In Changeurstory, we major in career and life transformation to enable anyone to have the right career and life direction. Whether they need help in changing careers, finding out what they are enthusiastic about or getting clarity on their goal our sessions offer just the kind of help needed.


Discovering your passion is a spiritual activity, which is individualistic in nature. It’s not about moving in to meet any sort of deadline that society has set or performing some kind of comparison with others. It is more about transformation and the belief in change, finding oneself and keeping up with that discovery.

Just a reminder for everyone, passion does not have to be associated with grand ideas and changing the world – its goal is to make people happy and provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose in life. Engaging and differentiating, thinking, and pausing, and being lost and found are ways of discovering what’s important to us.

Be specific, remain humble, and believe in the process all at once. Your passion is out there waiting to be called out one day.

If you are willing to go further in your process, it may be helpful to contact Changeurstory. Together – let us find out what you love and design your life.